Friday, October 31, 2008

Take Back America

Federal Sex Policies: Pastoral Options for

Full Disclosure and Informed Consent for your Congregation

Your congregation has a clear Right to Know, a right to Full Disclosure and Informed Consent on Sen. Obama?s pending Federal policies on:

New "Sexual Orientation" Laws affecting Pastors, Churches, Congregants, Businesses
Same-Sex Unions: Sen. Obama favors full repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, which protects your state from forced recognition of Same-Sex "Marriages" from other states where courts have ordered gay marriage (MA, CA, CT).
Expansion of Partial Birth Abortion, a barbaric procedure which involves piercing the skulls of babies during delivery. Sen. Obama?s pending "Freedom of Choice Act" would sweep away all restrictions on late-term abortions. Obama also favors federal taxpayer subsidies for abortion on demand and opposes requiring that parents be notified prior to an abortion on their teenage daughter.
Full, open integration of flagrant homosexuals into U.S. military barracks, forcing inappropriate same-sex intimacy (bunks, bathing, etc.) on heterosexual soldiers.
Possible permission of infanticide: Sen. Obama voted repeatedly to kill Illinois equal protection for infants who survive abortions. Infanticide of abortion survivors was later banned by bipartisan agreement in Congress, yet that ban is subject to repeal.
Complete documentation is at

Q: What can a pastor, priest or rabbi legally say about these matters to the congregation?

A: Under the Free Exercise/Religious Liberty clause of the First Amendment, non-violent "pulpit to pew" speech in a house of worship is protected from government regulation. Pastors, rabbis and priests are free under both the Constitution and the tax code to preach Biblical ethics and morality, to name names of politicians, and to explain their public policies to congregants. Despite widespread misreporting and intentional distortion by opponents of religious liberty and free speech, no church has ever lost its tax exempt status for any such activity. Although The Judeo-Christian View does not advise express endorsement of any candidate from the pulpit, it is completely uncontroversial as a matter of law that pastors have a right to endorse/oppose in their personal capacities. For brief law videos, supporting documentation, details, caveats, and legal backup, go to

Q: I'm not a wimp, I recognize my legal liberties, but I am simply uncomfortable using my pulpit to mention any politicians' names ? even if they threaten Judeo-Christian foundations on marriage, heterosexual monogamy, and child sacrifice/infanticide. What OTHER options are available to alert my flock?

A: Play the brief Interfaith Video Sermon you received on DVD for your congregation this weekend (or download it at Or, circulate the printed Sermon Outline /bulletin insert, or teach from it, or urge Sunday School or lay teachers to do so. If you feel impaired, allow a member of the congregation to speak this weekend on these paramount matters of Same-Sex Unions and Child Sacrifice. Or, lead the congregation in prayer for Sen. Obama's repentance on these matters. Email this message (available at website at Congregational Resources) or another message to your congregants. Email your flock to go now to the website, urging them to see the powerful videos and possibly join you in subscribing. Email in your personal capacity, or as religious leader (either way is fine legally). Contact your flock by auto-dialer, or put a prayer alert on your phone trees. But, by any or all of these means, be a Good Shepherd of your sheep and a Faithful Watchman at the walls (Ezekiel 33, 34). P.O. Box 734, Vista, California 92085-0734


Other Vital Resources:
Liberty Counsel: Many pastors, priests, rabbis and boards do not understand that they can freely preach/teach the Bible AND clearly explain to their congregations where NAMED political leaders stand on public policy issues informed by the Bible, distinct from any talk of endorsements. For example, because churches are not granted tax-exempt status by the IRS but acquire it automatically when they come into existence, the IRS has never been able to take it away from any church. Click herefor a video discussion (toward bottom of linked page) on this by Prof. Mathew Staver, Dean of Liberty University School of Law and Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel -- a nonprofit legal defense organization for congregational leaders and their houses of worship, upholding First Amendment freedoms for all Americans via litigation, education and policy work. Established in 1989, Liberty Counsel is a nationwide organization of attorneys with offices in Florida, Texas, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., and hundreds of affiliate lawyers across the Nation. Liberty Counsel's website is

The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission: The CADC is a non-profit that aims to be the first-in-mind champion of Christian religious liberty, a first line of response to anti-Christian defamation, bigotry, and discrimination via public relations and, as necessary, litigation. According to CADC, by declaring he is a Christian, yet denying Christianity's essential doctrines and morality, Barack Obama has associated the name of Jesus Christ with practices expressly condemned in the Torah, the Tanakh, and the New Testament. To view CADC's brief and incisive videos on this and other vital topics, go to

The Anti-Defamation League: The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 "to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all." ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, scrutinizing and exposing hate groups and offering expertise on domestic and international terrorism. ADL also seeks to foster interfaith relations, to safeguard religious liberty, while defending the security of Israel and Jews worldwide. Through the Bearing Witness program, a partnership with The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Archdiocese of Washington, provides religious educators with the training and resources necessary to teach their students about anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. For more, go to

Restore America: Restore America is a non-profit dedicated to engaging clerical leaders and laity in shared citizenship responsibility to "Value our Vote and Vote our Values" through conferences, seminars, commentaries, and electronic media. Restore America's objectives include a renewed understanding of America's Judeo-Christian history and founding principles, and the promotion of citizens of Judeo-Christian principle into public office. To view Restore America's vision, ministry and resources visit

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