Point and counter point--if a negative is posted about Obama the person is immediately assassinated by being called a racist, redneck, or pro McCain. True, there have been far too many extremely ignorant racists, conservative, non conservative, hate for the sake of hate remarks made by those on either side of the fence. McCain claims Obama is playing the race card. Obama claims McCain is focused on race and not on the issues. So the slings and arrows fly in both directions.
Is it possible that people who are not pro McCain, not racist, and even quite liberal can disapprove of Obama because of what they see in Obama? It isn’t Obama’s funny name or the color of his skin (which I personally think is a beautiful color) that is frightening rational people. It is the man himself with all his contradictions, his anti-American actions, his loyalties to suspicious characters around the world, his consistently getting caught in his own exaggerations, outright lies, his extremely controversial family and the unknown or unsubstantiated details of his birth and even if he is really African black or Arab? Is he actually legally able to be president? Obama unwittingly reveals his ignorance about all the major political issues every time he publicly speaks. I will not tally all the details in the blunders, contradictions, lies, and exaggerations, mistakes in his statement as there are literally thousands of highly intellectual writers who are doing so and publishing them. I am merely stating that Obama’s golden voice only spews astral puke. He doesn’t have one original idea or thought the world hasn’t already heard and knows doesn’t work. This is what is disturbing rational voters.
Obama claims he will bring CHANGE to America. So will McCain bring change? No matter how many people want to call McCain --McBush, it will not turn McCain into George Bush. They are two different men with two different backgrounds in the same way Obama and McCain are also two different men. Change is here. If McCain knows one fact, he knows very well that the last thing people want is another four years of a Bush type administration. It isn’t going to happen if McCain is elected. Change will come regardless who is elected. The big question is what kind of change?
Everyone knows that no one man or president can solve all the world’s problems in one or two terms. The world is realistic enough for that. Voters are simply worried that the man they do put in office won’t make matters any worse than they are.
When I was a little girl attending a Catholic school, the nuns had a slogan; “Give me a child until he is 12 years old and he will be mine forever.” The years passed I married and had a little girl. I deliberately refused to raise her under the guidance of any religion. I chose instead, to instill human decency in her. Years later she grew up, and became a Catholic and had a Catholic wedding. I could think of the lines of Zero Mostel from the movie The Producers; “I did everything wrong. Where did I go right?” So asked my daughter who told me very clearly she became a Catholic because I raised her a Catholic. I proceeded to deny that claiming she was never introduced to catechism, sent to church, partook of the sacraments, or sent to a Catholic school, and so on and so forth. She agreed that was so. Then she informed me even though I didn’t do those things, my entire point of view and philosophy was catholic, and thus I instilled in her the basic catholic fundamentals of thought and purpose. I gasped. She was absolutely right. I raised my daughter a catholic even I had not intended so. This is why it is so important to know a candidates educational background as a young evolving child. Chances are these influences will guide the person unconsciously the rest of his life.
Basically all people are the same. All people have basically the same needs for survival. What separates one person from another or one group of people from another is the sum total of their thoughts which govern their dogma, philosophy, and ultimately their actions. That is why nothing can be more important to understand than the religious dogma, educational background, and basic philosophy of any person applying for any position of great power. Just as important is to understand the attitudes and belief systems of the person’s mate. Not only is it every voter’s right to look into such issues
of a presidential candidate, it is the duty to do so. How else can an objective voting decision be made?
This is why people who chose to place themselves in the position of the most important job in the country have to be squeaky clean in everything that pertains to their family background, religious beliefs, philosophy, loyalty to the country they are going to serve, and birth. The person applying for the job must have a proven track record of a successful past performance and not glittering rhetoric of nothing. These are the basic issues that voters need to see before they can expect the man to solve the issues of the country of the world.
Never in the history of American politics has there been a more controversial character than Obama. Obama is a Muslim who wants everyone to believe he is Christian. He denies is Muslim background. Then –for political reasons only—he disenfranchises himself from Reverend Wright’s Church. He literally insults both religions.
Some people say Obama is disliked because America is not ready for a black president. Not true. America was more than willing to accept Colin Powel if he ran. Others even thought Condoleezza Rice would have been great. Others objected she was too close to Bush—not that she is a woman or is black. I will never vote for Obama because he lacks good character and integrity. Obama’s core philosophy is Muslim. Thought I like Muslim people, I cannot agree with their ideas based upon the Koran. That doesn’t mean I am pro McCain. I may vote for an independent.
America has come a long way, baby. If it is to continue to grow, it must take a hard look at Obama and ask if he is really in the highest and best interest of American?
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